It’s Nanowrimo timo!


It’s that time of year again when countless writers across the world, be they amateur or seasoned in the art, join in on a large scale, yet individual effort, to write their own novel of 50,000 words in a month.

I am one of those hopeful writers who have, again, taken up the challenge, last year being my firs. I wrote a dystopian/adventure/sci-fi story, called All Roads Lead To Roam. During that time of writing I was inspired to write additional stories to accompany that one, a trilogy came into being, and one of those other stories was one I had started writing many years before, a story called Saga of South.

For this year’s Nanowrimo I decided to write Saga of South, a story I have much wanted to see come to fruition, and initially intended for it to be the first book in the trilogy, with All Roads being the second. The reason for this was simple enough, All Roads was a story taking place somewhere in a time much like our present, whereas Saga of South was a medieval-like tale which would naturally precede the former.

So as I started this year’s Nanowrimo I could not quite yet place the story of Saga of South within the context of All Roads, as I wanted there to be a golden thread of connection running through each of the novels, and although I had some ideas that would connect the stories there still was no natural flow between them, which I had yet to find.

Then it struck me on day 2, or was it day 3, why not have Saga of South happen after All Roads Lead To Roam? Due to the events that had taken place in All Roads this was entirely possible and would give my characters and the world a history which did not yet exist. A medieval time could surely follow a future age where an apocalyptic event had occurred, destroying much of the modern technology and ways of life.

And so with this new revelation I now had a clearer picture of where things could go with Saga of South. There was a history, there were connections between characters and events, and there was a great story waiting to be told, or in this case to be continued.

I am off to write again. Thinking of it, these words could have aided me in my daily word count but I I feel it good to chronicle my progress in this journey , for I hope for my story to be an epic one and for you to share in the adventure.
Stay tuned for more news on these novels, where I plan on refining All Roads, next year, and perhaps even publishing it within the year.

Much to do, much to write, so see you on the other side of Nanowrimo.

– S.Tarr